Teth - Slange - den femte av Tolv Enkle
Teth - Slange
19. sti på Livets Tre: Chesed - Geburah
Astrologisk: Løven
Mentale kjennetegn:
Årvåkenhet. Vær oppmerksom på tendens til selvforsvar som kan undergrave dine anstrengelser, og hold øye med dine formål.
Emosjonelle kvaliteter:
Rådsnarhet, oppfinnsomhet.
Praktisk handling:
En tid for å slippe taket i det som ikke lenger har verdi eller er formålstjenelig.
Path 19
Teth | Yetziric Text
The Nineteenth Path is named The Consciousness
of the Mystery of all Spiritual Activities
(Sekhel Sod HaPaulot HaRuchniot Kulam)
It is called this because of the influx that permeates it from
the highest blessing and the supreme Glory. | Meaning
The Serpent |
World |
Colour |
Tarot Card |
Atziluth (Divine)
| Greenish yellow |
- Strength
- Daughter of the Flaming Sword
- Leader of the Lion
Beriyah (Archangelic)
| Deep purple |
Yetzirah (Angelic)
| Grey |
Asiyah (Material)
| Reddish yellow |
Direction :
Joining :
Meditation :
Genesis : | North-Above
Chesed & Geburah
To control the energies of anger and hatred
"Elohim called the dry land, Earth... and the waters, Seas." 1:10 | Class of letter :
Pronunciation :
Transliteration :
Gematria : | An Elemental
9 |
Planetary/Zodiacal : | Sun Leo | Elemental : | Air |
Pitch : | E natural | Qualities: Sense/Function : | Taste/Digestion |
Consciousness : | Suggestion | Symbols : | Heart, Reins, Elixir |
The GODS : |
Egyptian : | Bast, Sekhmet, Horus | Celtic : | Boann, Cernunnos | Mayan : | Hun Hunahpu, The 4 Bacabs |
Greek : | Demeter, The Titans | Norse : | Tor, Magne | Aztec : | Huitzilopochtli, Huixtocihuatl |
Roman : | Diana, Vulcan | Hindu : | Sita, Balarama | Assyrian : | |
Animal :
Plant :
Stone : | Lion (Cherub)
Cat's Eye | Weapon :
Incense :
The Work : | The Discipline, Preliminary
Power of Training Wild Beasts |
Kabbalah Cards
Paul Roland, Sylvia Gainsford
Mays Kabbalahskole
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